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Motor Vehicle Accidents

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Catastrophic and Serious Injuries require a more skilled rehab team. Why Us We have years of experience in treating catastrophic injuries and have helped several hundred patients return to what they could do before the injury. Our clinicians understand the impact of injuries resulting from motor vehicle accidents and other accidents which extends to multiple […]


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Concussion Injuries Concussions or mild Traumatic Brain Injuries (mTBI) often go undiagnosed after a concussive event. These events could happen from motor vehicle accidents, sports injuries, or any other injuries which lead to direct or indirect blows to the head. Talk to a Therapist ( Request a Free Phone Consultation with the Therapist) Click here […]

Satisficed Review

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Physiotherapy is medical therapy which helps a patient in the rehabilitation of various types of diseases and disabilities. indicators offline to maximise the long tail. Keeping your eye on the ball while performing a deep dive on the start-up mentality to derive convergence on cross-platform integration.Collaboratively administrate empowered markets via plug-and-play networks. Dynamically procrastinate B2C […]

Sports Medicine

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Injuries are common in sporting events, competitions, or fitness activities, and can be due to multiple risk factors. Things such as improper training methods or techniques, varying physical fitness levels, lack of warming up or stretching muscles, muscle imbalances, stress injuries, overexertion, improper joint mechanics, etc. Talk to a Therapist ( Request a Free Phone […]

Joint Mobilization

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Personal Injury / MVA

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Catastrophic and Serious Injuries require a more skilled rehab team.   Why Us We have years of experience in treating catastrophic injuries and have helped several hundred patients return to what they could do before the injury. Our clinicians understand the impact of injuries resulting from motor vehicle accidents and other accidents which extends to […]

Occupational Therapy

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Occupational Therapy is a specialized field that focuses on helping individuals regain independence, improve functional abilities, and enhance overall well-being. When it comes to neurological conditions, our expert Occupational Therapist is equipped with the knowledge and skills to provide targeted interventions tailored to your specific needs. Are you or someone you know dealing with a […]

Blood Flow Restriction Training

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Blood Flow Restriction Training (BFRT) is a relatively new technique in the rehab industry that has gained popularity due to its unique approach to strength training. Talk to a Therapist ( Request a Free Phone Consultation with the Therapist) Click here What is BFRT? BFRT involves restricting blood flow to specific muscles using a specialized […]

Return To Sport

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The process of returning to competitive sport is unfortunately long and frustrating. Physical therapists at Advance Therapy use an evidence-based approach to assist you with your question of “When can I return to play?” How does Advance Therapy help me return to my sport? By using validated and standardized tests to evaluate your progress, determining […]

Manual Therapy

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Long-term discomfort is debilitating and can prevent a person from living a normal life. This discomfort can come from random pains, injuries, car wrecks, and normal aging that results in muscle tightness, tension, and other aching joint pains. With the goal to relieve these types of pain, people often look to find a physical therapist.Physical […]

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